Sunday, 4 December 2016

Getting the most out of every dive

Scuba Divers! We are an easy bunch of people to please. A bit of water, a few fish and/or submerged twisted metal and we are happier than a dachshund on Stilts.

However, there are times when that little something goes wrong or doesn't happen and it leaves our dives incomplete. So, how can we change this to try and make the most out of every dive we do.

Check your Dive Equipment

One of the most common reasons we have seen for people missing dives on holiday is down to equipment failure.

We all know how important it is to have your diving equipment checked and serviced by someone who knows what they are doing regularly but if you are travelling with dive kit, it is just as important to make sure that nothing has been damaged in transit.

This happens so often that we ask all divers to make their first dive locally here in Protaras.  This allows us to be close enough to the dive centre (and all our tools) to fix any kit problems that may occur easily so no dives are missed. Also, it is a great opportunity to get in an extra dive and get weights sorted, making other dives more comfortable.

Air Accounts

There is nothing worse than having to end a dive early due to getting low on air.

It is possible to improve your air consumption when scuba diving by staying fit, being correctly weighted and getting plenty of dive experience. All divers find that the more they dive, the more comfortable they become in the water and the longer the cylinder will last.

However, there are some who just have big lungs and need that bit more air than others. If this is you, the best way to avoid having to end the dive too soon is to take the right size cylinder for your needs. Don't be afraid to ask for a 15l cylinder, if you need one. 

Equally, it might be worth considering a twinset or Sidemount training. You get more air and more options in the event of a problem with air supply underwater.

Nitrox Training

As a continuation of the last point, if you feel your dives are being cut short due to No Decompression Limits, you may want to consider some Nitrox training to allow you to extend your bottom times underwater.

Nitrox is most beneficial as a breathing gas to a maximum of 35-40m, after which I believe trimix is the only way to go. 

Nitrox is not a miracle gas though. It will NOT make your cylinder last longer than if you were breathing standard air (which seems to be a common misconception). Nitrox simply reduced the Nitrogen in the gas you are breathing, which exposes you to less nitrogen, extending your NDLs.

For even more time underwater, have a think about Technical Diver training and learning how to formally make decompression dives.

Listen to the Guide

To really get the most out of your diving, you want to listen to the people who know the dive site you are visiting. This may be the dive guide or other divers who dive there regularly. This way, you know what to look out for and what to expect on the dives.

Build the dives up, so you get the most out of your time. For example, when Zenobia diving, we ask all divers to complete the two orientation dives prior to making any decompression dives or penetration dives on the wreck. By doing this they develop an awareness of the wreck's layout and are familiar with the wreck before making more advanced dives.

So, to my mind, the best way to get the most out of your diving is to minimise the risk of equipment failure by checking your own kit after travel or, if you are renting equipment from a dive centre, make sure it is working correctly and you are acquainted with the controls.

Also, make sure you have the correct equipment and training to complete the dives you want to make and to do it properly, stay fit... with which I mean physically fit and dive fit.

Chat with others that know the area, be that other divers or dive guides in the area. Discuss what you want to achieve from your dives and then you can work out which dives are best for you with your training and equipment so you always feel happy and satisfied that you got the most from every dive!

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