Monday, 7 October 2013

Zenobia Wreck in Cyprus

She is voted as one of the top 10 diveable wrecks in the world and she is right here on our doorstep in Cyprus.

Scuba Tech Diving Centre dives the Zenobia wreck in Cyprus

We are, of course, talking about the amazing wreck of the Zenobia Ferry which sank off the coast of Larnaca back in June 1980.

Scuba Divers on Zenobia in Cyprus next to deck33 years later, she is starting to look a little bit sorry for herself but considering all that salt water and the number of divers that visit her each year, she is not faring too badly at all.

 Zenobia sits on the sea bed of the Mediterranean Sea, approximately 1.5km off the coastline of Southern Cyprus in 42m of water with her proud hull reaching all the way up to 18m.

172m long with 104 articulated Trucks with fully loaded trailers on board when she sank, which to this day, have never been salvaged, make this wreck one of the best in the world to dive.

You don't even need to be a scuba diver to take advantage of the wreck, as there are a number of glass bottom boats that go out to the wreck on a daily basis and even snorkelling, you can usually see the top of the wreck (sometimes down to 25-30m) on a day with good visibility.

I have been diving the Zenobia now for almost 10 years and still never get bored of her. She has numerous possibilities for penetration dives and even now, I can see things on her that I have not noticed before. For example, a loudspeaker and a door number in the accommodation block.

Sometimes, there might be current or maybe the visibility isn't as good as it could be but even on her bad days, the Zenobia is an awesome sight and well worth coming to Cyprus to dive.

Most dive centres will ask you to complete a check dive prior to diving the Zenobia though to ensure everything is in place, weights are correct and everything works properly before you make these dives but believe me, it will be well worth the effort when you jump in and she looms up at you to say hello.

On the Zenobia Diving days, we usually complete 2 dives of up to 60 minutes, depending on air consumption and no decompression limits. To try to maximise your bottom time, we do offer free nitrox on the Zenobia dives for those qualified to use it so you get the most value for money. If you do not have a nitrox certification, we can provide a combination value package with the Zenobia dives to get you there... you will never look back!

For more information about Diving the Zenobia in Cyprus simply get in touch with us at and we will help you organise some of the best wreck dives imaginable.


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