Sunday, 14 May 2017


In my first season at Scuba Tech as a Divemaster trainee, I watched my instructor, complete his Tech 1 course with GUE. For those of you that haven’t heard of GUE, it is a diving organisation, and it stands for Global Underwater Explorers. GUE trains its divers to the highest standards in proficiency underwater, and allows divers to be the best they possibly can be under expert instruction. 

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, ocean and outdoorThis is what I saw two years ago, when Rich Walker (Technical Director of GUE and instructor) came to Cyprus. Watching the Tech 1 candidates complete skills and drills whilst completely motionless in the water was something I aspired to be able to do. 

To have that level of control and skill would be awesome. So naturally the first step for me is GUE fundamentals otherwise known as fundies, which provides the foundation for all other courses such as the caving or technical programmes within GUE.

I want to become the best possible diver I can be, in order to be the best instructor I can be. Working as a Divemaster already, this is perhaps my biggest reason for signing up for fundies. I can then apply what I learn to the everyday, when I am in the water with customers. 

Furthermore it also is a new challenge for me.  I never want to stop learning and I want to keep trying new experiences. This will then (hopefully) maximise my competence and confidence underwater.

Image may contain: swimming and outdoorThe course itself, is spread over four days, and has a mixture of classroom and in water practice. It focuses on the fundamental skills of diving including trim and buoyancy, rescue skills, gas management, equipment configuration, decompression theory and nitrox.

Unlike some other courses, GUE fundamentals has various outcomes – Fail, provisional pass, recreational pass, or a technical pass - the highest pass rating. 

The course is programmed to help those advance their basic skills, and to provide divers that have trained with other organisations such as PADI, TDI and BSAC with a gateway into GUE training. 

It is aimed at all levels of diver, for example, I have been diving for 7 years this year, I am a Divemaster and also a tech diver, yet I could be on the course with someone who has just started diving. 

It is designed to “cultivate the essentials skills required by all irrespective of level or environment” It looks at your dive skills and improves them to a much higher level whilst also having lots of fun!

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor

                                                                  Bring on October! 

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